Shinya Takimoto
I have about 3 years of dbt experience. I used to be in a large organization where the challenge was to create a quality analysis infrastructure for EC data managed by my department with a limited number of staff. It was then that I learned about dbt and I still remember the shock I felt when I ran a dbt run for the first time. Currently, I work for a startup called 10X. We provide a system that allows retailers to seamlessly launch online grocery services in an O2O model. I am also actively involved in dbt Community activities, starting the #local-tokyo channel in dbt Slack, organizing the Tokyo dbt Meetup event and writing translations of dbt-related articles. In addition, I run a podcast called ModernDataStackRadio.
When did you join the dbt community and in what way has it impacted your career?
I joined dbt Slack in late 2021 and led the creation of the #local-tokyo channel soon after, which I still maintain. Community activities gave me the opportunity to meet more dbt users. By sharing the knowledge and insights I had gained in my own company, I was able to connect with people who were struggling with the same issues and difficulties. The shared sense of common data usage challenges has led to networking and recognition of individuals and the companies they work for, which has increased my opportunities to work with many people.
What dbt community leader do you identify with? How are you looking to grow your leadership in the dbt community?
We have been working to create a place in Japan where people who feel the same way about the potential of dbt can interact with each other. Now we have almost 400 members. We would like to support the creation of an environment where more information can be shared through articles and discussions, whereby the focus can be on companies and players who are working on advanced projects. Thereby, we can increase the number of connections among dbt users.
What have you learned from community members? What do you hope others can learn from you?
Many members from enterprise companies to start-ups with various business sizes and a wide variety of business activities have joined the #local-tokyo channel in dbt Slack.
Therefore, ideas and knowledge about data modeling and testing differ from one business domain to another. I believe that they provide the local community with a variety of new insights and perspectives that are surprising as well as curious.
As a company that uses dbt in many production environments myself, I hope to share a lot of knowledge with the dbt Community.